
Patent No. 216559/IN

A process for the preparation of thermoprecipitating affinity polymers AA Vaidya, BS Lele, MG Kulkarni, RA Mashelkar

Patent No.9802620-11/IN dt. 03.06.2005

A process for the preparation of polymeric adsorbents VP Joshi, MG Kulkarni, RA Mashelkar

Patent No.9600377-11/IN dt. 27.5.2005

An improved process for micro encapsulation of active ingredients in polymers BN Vishwanathan, PA Thomas, MG Kulkarni and RA Mashelkar

Patent No.192400A1/IN dt. 10.4.2004

A process for the preparation of a new polymeric composition for the controlled release of an active ingredient in response to PH RA Mashelkar, MG Kulkarni and RN Karmalkar

Patent No. 192558A1/IN dt. 1.5.2004

An improved process for the conversion of esters and amides to corresponding alcohols and amines RA Mashelkar, MG Kulkarni and RN Karmalkar

Patent No.185919A1/IN dt.19.5.2001

A process for preparing thermotropic liquid crystalline elastormers MM Sonpatki, S Ponrathnam and RA Mashelkar

Patent No. 185918A1/IN dt. 19.5.2001

A process for preparing thermotropic liquid crystalline elastormers MM Sonpatki, S Ponrathnam and RA Mashelkar

Patent No.185371A1/IN dt . 6.1.2001

An improved process for the recovery of water soluble barium values from barite AN Gokaran, BB Kale, AR Pande, DD Ravetkar, BD Kulkarni and RA Mashelkar

Patent No. 180170A1/IN dt. 17.1.1998

An improved reactor useful for the preparation of crosslinked macroporous glycidyl copolymers RA Mashelkar, S Ponrathnam, CR Rajan, KK Das, GR Ambekar, JG Shewale and SR Naik

Patent No. 176862A1/IN dt. 21.9.1996

A process for the preparation of a new polymer useful for drag reduction in hydrocarbon fluids in exceptionally dilute polymer solutions S Malik, SN Shintre and RA Mashelkar