
Dismantling Inequality through ASSURED Innovation (2/2)

This follows my previous blog. I will have the privilege of articulating the basic idea of ASSURED Innovation in Canberra on 19th April 2018, when I give the K R Narayanan Oration ( titled: “Dismantling Inequality through ASSURED Innovation” In this oration, I would argue that ASSURED innovation can be a `single word’ national innovation policy for any nation that wishes to achieve accelerated inclusive growth. I will show how ASSURED innovation can enable corporates to shift to a new high-impact…
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Dismantling Inequality through ASSURED Innovation (1/2)

Rising inequality is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Income inequalities create access inequalities in critical areas like education, health, and public services. This leads to social disharmony, which is becoming increasingly prevalent in the world today. However, reducing income inequalities can take decades. So how can we create access equality despite income inequality? Most of you will guess correctly that we can achieve this through innovation. But not just any innovation – ASSURED innovation. ASSURED stands for…
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